Hub and API Working Group

Who we are:
The Hub and API Working Group consists of product managers, software engineers and architects, with a strong background in location solutions. They translate the requirements of the omlox use-case working group and general IT considerations into software - namely the omlox hub and the omlox API. By unify all locating technologies and providing standardized access to location data, we enable to streamline the accessibility of location data in business applications.
Our mission:
We strive to enable a seamless locating - across technologies and vendors, while access to location data as easy as possible.
Key Acitivities:
- Translation locating use-cases and requirements into software concepts
- Maintaining the omlox hub and omlox API specification
- Defining operating concepts for the omlox hub - from edge to cloud
- Defining security concepts for the omlox hub and omlox API
- Embedding omlox hub also into other use-case senarios e.p. in OT or robotics.
Expert Target Group:
- Product managers for locating products
- Software Architects in the location-based services domain
- Software Engineers
Cooperations with other omlox Working Groups:
We collaborate with all omlox working groups, especially the Use-cases Working Group, Core-zone, Testing and Safety.

Dr. Matthias Joest
Committee leader and Head of Working Group Hub and API