Safety Working Group

Who we are:

We are a team of experts dedicated to further development of omlox for use in the field of functional safety. Our primary goal is to develop omlox to the locating standard for functional safety application, contributing to the overall success of omlox by developing an architecture and framework that enables the realization of the safety use case.

Our mission:

Draft of the first omlox safety specification, which describes mechanisms and architectures. Furthermore, requirements for the execution of the infrastructure and possible omlox safety core zone are to be defined. Development of a test specification that explicitly addresses functional safety. The vision is to be able to use omlox as a component of functional safety. The mission is to be able to solve the functional safety use cases with omlox safety.

Key Acitivities:

  • Analysis of safety standards and regulations: Which relevant standards must be met?
  • Identified relevant points (e.g. satellite, communication, hub, core, implementation)
  • Definition of the system architecture for use in functional safety
  • Combination with other technologies for a higher level of safety integrity
  • Use of existing standards
  • Solution concept for implementation and execution
  • Transfer to a specification
  • Test specification and certification

Expert Target Group:

  • omlox standard, real-time locating systems (RTLS)
  • omlox core zone 
  • Software for safety application like IEC 61508, IEC 62061
  • Experience in development and application for functional safety
  • Member in other PNO safety working groups like ProfiSafe, OPC UA Safety

Cooperations with other omlox Working Groups:

The working group will closely cooperate with the omlox core zone working group and on-demand also with the working group hub. If needed they can also use existing cooperations as with fira to reuse already established processes, like e.g. distance-bounding. Furthermore, proximity to ProfiSafe and OPC UA Safety is sought to bring proven procedures and existing expertise to omlox. 


Philip Kleen

Head of Working Group Safety
