Use Cases Working Group

Who we are:

The omlox use-cases group is dedicated to unterstand the overall customer needs. The requested solutions will be described and unterstood in this group and the resulting requirements will be prioritized to the market demand. Accordingly, we deliver the input requirements for the working groups Hub, Core-zone and Safety. Once the first implementations are running we also check if the originial customer needs were fulfilled. 

Our mission:

Our mission is to ensure a perfect market-fit of all omlox specifications. We aim to structure our target-markets and prioritize the requirements according to the expected demand. We deliver understandable new requirements to the specification groups.

Key Acitivities:

  • Understand the target-markets, structure and prioritize them
  • Collect real-time location related use-cases in all target areas
  • Continiously work on the big-picture of the I4.0 architecture and the role of omlox
  • Maintain a comprehensive overview of all use-cases in a structured way
  • Prioritize the collected use-cases according to the market demand
  • Describe the top use-cases on a one-pager with a first market demand estimation
  • Add specific requirements for the Hub and Core-zone to the one-pager
  • Send the new requirements to the specification groups

Expert Target Group:

  • Market experts from companies interested to offer omlox products
  • R&D Management with a high-level view on the market requirements
  • Target-market (verticals) experts with inside views for a deep demand understanding
  • Delegates from other working-groups for a good understanding of requirements

Cooperations with other omlox Working Groups:

We supply new requirements and new use-case one-pagers to the specifications groups: Hub, Core-Zone and Safety. We also discuss and evaluate market related questions from all working-groups.

Key Achievements:

  • Comprehensive use-case list
  • Target-markets describes


Eberhard (Ebbse) Wahl

Head of omlox use cases working group
