What we do in omlox
For more than 70 years, Pepperl+Fuchs has been setting the course in automation technology, in the fields of both industrial sensors and electrical explosion protection. The driving force behind this is our desire to innovate, which constantly inspires us to think outside of the box and break new ground in the development of products and solutions.
Our passion for progress and innovation leads us to get involved in new developments early and offer our technical expertise when we see that a new standard could generate added value for our customers. omlox is a case in point: We believe that the open standard for industrial localization is essential for implementing Industry 4.0 communication on a large scale and beyond the boundaries of factories and facilities.
What we offer
As a market leader in factory automation, we have extensive experience with developing and implementing a wide range of technologies, including sensors with various sensing principles and interface technologies, such as IO-Link or AS-Interface, and an extensive portfolio of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) devices. This identification method is a central component of the omlox standard.
RFID uses radio waves to identify objects automatically without making contact. Tags serve as data memories. The passive versions of these tags do not require their own voltage supply, meaning that unlike most other localization technologies, there is no need to change the battery. The tags transmit information relating to products, goods, and people, and allow data flow and material flow to be combined in the most effective way. They are used to store all process-relevant information locally on the object, which means that production can be controlled on the basis of the object. Track-and-trace applications allow raw materials and products to be assigned and tracked in a clear manner. Wireless technology makes it possible not only to read object information, but also to adapt this information if required. Read/write heads can detect tags from a long distance without making direct visual contact, while UHF (ultra-high frequency) makes it possible to read multiple tags with a high level of efficiency. The tags can also be clearly identified around the world. Control interfaces process the information from the read/write heads and pass it on to higher-level systems.
Intelligently combining RFID with other technologies such as UWB, 5G, and GPS within the framework of the omlox standard creates—for the first time—a completely continuous information flow that extends far beyond the factory doors. If a truck's cargo area is equipped with RFID read/write heads that have been modified for the omlox standard, the status and location of individual goods can be verified during transportation via GSM and 5G. This information can be transferred to higher-level software systems such as ERP or MES. Any transport delays can be reacted to swiftly, supply chains can be optimized, and goods can be stored more efficiently. Pepperl+Fuchs has already developed an RFID read/write head that is suitable for the recently released omlox standard and can support such applications.

Contact information
Pepperl+Fuchs, a global leader in industrial sensor technology and explosion protection, has been known for decades as a visionary and driver of innovation for cutting-edge automation technologies. At the heart of Pepperl+Fuchs’ research and development are solutions and services that advance the digital transformation of processes and applications toward Industry 4.0.
One focus is industrial communication: with the formation of Pepperl+Fuchs Comtrol, an expanded IO-Link portfolio combines with communication-oriented Sensorik4.0® technology to enable data flow from field devices to control systems and the cloud.
Since digital transformation is also the basis for Industry 4.0 applications in the process industry, Pepperl+Fuchs is working with an international consortium of well-known manufacturers to make Ethernet available for this market. Mobile computing and communication solutions from the Pepperl+Fuchs brand ecom simplify the digital transformation of applications even further. This is how fully networked production systems will gradually become a reality for the entire automation industry.
Pepperl+Fuchs also continues to support conventional applications. A unique, wide-ranging product portfolio provides technologies that support both traditional and future applications.
Dr. Thomas Sebastiany
Director Business Unit Systems
Pepperl+Fuchs AG
D-68307 Mannheim
Phone: + 49 621 776-0
Email: tsebastiany@de.pepperl-fuchs.com
Social Links
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pepperl-fuchs-group
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PepperlFuchshttps>https://www.youtube.com/pepperl-fuchshttps