What we do in omlox
For more than 70 years, from factory automation to logistics automation and process automation, SICK’s sensor solutions are keeping industry 4.0 moving. As a technology and market leader, SICK provides sensor intelligence and application solutions that create the perfect basis for controlling processes securely and efficiently, protecting individuals from accidents, and preventing damage to the environment.
The added value of sensor communication depends significantly on the quality and stability of the delivered data. In order to create the best-possible basis for a future-ready automation system, omlox, an open standard for localization enables operators to take business to the next level.
What we offer
As a leading sensor manufacturer with probably the widest portfolio not only for stationary storage and conveyor technology, but also for automated guided vehicle systems, partially-automated industrial trucks and mobile platforms, SICK is also counting on more productivity as well as product and process quality with localization technologies inside omlox standard.
The basic requirement of any localization and asset management solution in logistics – in addition to labeling and identification – is localizing all objects relevant for the material flow. There are various SICK sensor technologies available for this according to the required positioning accuracy and update rate: Some examples are 2D laser scanners, 3D camera systems, line guidance and infrastructure sensors. Relatively new in this portfolio and a key technology at the same time is UWB combined with GPS.
Material flow and intralogistics do not only take place in closed halls and storage areas, but also often mixed in and outdoor areas. When moving outdoors form indoors, indoor localization position is acquired through UWB and passed over to a GPS-supported system solution – the TDC-E gateway system. This multi-sensor networking unit with integrated WLAN, WPAN and mobile communication is typically used on forklift trucks. It collects both process data such as the IDs of load carriers, goods or storage spaces as well as status data of the vehicle and fuses this information together with the GPS and UWB localization signal into complete localization information available in the framework of the omlox standard, quick and complete process and data transparency is therefore ensured.
SICK has already tested TDC-E within omlox standard in order to support such application.
Contact information
SICK, as a leading international manufacturer of intelligent sensors and system solutions for industrial applications, is on hand whenever safety, precision, and efficiency are of critical importance.
Our slogan “Sensor Intelligence.” serves as a guidepost for the future of Industry 4.0. We support our customers from start to finish – from the initial idea and the prototype to the serial product, from commissioning to LifeTime Services. Our intelligent solutions control, secure, and optimize systems and processes, laying the foundation for sustainable production with technologies that are in keeping with the latest trends. To do this, we carry out research, development, and production work at our locations across the globe.
Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things are changing automation at a rapid pace. Industrial automation engineering and the data-supported business of Industry 4.0 complement one another to form a highly promising partnership. The basis of all success in digitally networked processes is reliable data – and that is exactly what our sensors provide. With our products and the people behind them, we are shaping the future with practical and advanced technologies while remaining true to our traditions.
Roland Avar
Head of Product Management - Localization
SICK AG I Erwin-Sick-Str. 1
79183 Waldkirch | Germany
Email: roland.avar@sick.ch
Website: www.sick.de
Social Links
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sicksensorintelligence/
YouTube: http://youtube.com/SICKSensorshtt