What we do in omlox
u-blox will participate in the working groups and promote the standardized interfaces among different positioning technologies for seamless operations in a variety of industrial scenarios.
What we offer
u-blox offers different outdoor and indoor positioning technologies to provide tracking capabilities and solutions for industrial automation and monitoring use cases. The target is to help and support industries and businesses to get the necessary location accuracy and track whatever they need, wherever they need it. https://www.u-blox.com/en/iot-asset-tracking-industrial
Contact information
Main contact from u-blox:
Peter Karlsson peter.karlsson@u-blox.com PC Short range radio,
Contact persons from u-blox corporate and product centers (PC): contact:
Corporate strategy: Costas Meimetis costas.meimetis@u-blox.com
PC positioning: David Bartlett david.bartlett@u-blox.com
PC services: Franco de Lorenzo franco.delorenzo@u-blox.com
C cellular: Andrea dalla Torre andrea.dallatorre@u-blox.com